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他们都在搜索: 温湿度变送器 温湿度传感器
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时间:2017-11-23 10:37   作者:济南仁硕电子科技有限公司 点击:






  A typical example of multi function of humidity sensor, a single silicon multidimensional force and humidity sensor developed by a sensor research center of a university in the United States, can measure 3 linear speeds, 3 centrifugal accelerations (angular velocities) and 3 angular accelerations together. The primary element is a monolithic silicon structure consisting of 4 correctly arranged cantilever beams mounted on a substrate, and 9 piezoresistive piezoresistive elements placed correctly on each cantilever beam. Multi function not only can reduce production cost, reduce volume, but also can be useful to advance sensor stability, reliability and other performance indicators.

  The combination of humidity sensor and micro processor makes it not only has detection function, but also has artificial intelligence such as information processing, logic discrimination, self diagnosis, and thought, so it is called intelligent sensor. With the aid of the semiconductor integration skills, the sensor part is made on the same chip as the signal preprocessing circuit, the input and output interface, the microprocessor, and so on, which become a large-scale integrated intelligent sensor. It can be said that smart sensor is a combination of sensor technology and LSI technology, and its implementation will depend on the progress of sensor technology and semiconductor integrated technology level. This kind of sensor has many advantages, such as multi energy, high performance, small size, suitable for mass production and convenient application, and it can be said that it is one of the important directions of sensors

  The integration of multiple sensors with different functions can not only be used to measure a variety of parameters, but also to sum up and evaluate the measurement results of these parameters, which can reflect the overall situation of the measured system. From the above, we can see that the integration of solid state sensors has brought many new opportunities, together, it is also the basis of multi-functional.

  Humidity sensor data is an important basis for sensor skills, is an important support for sensor skills upgrading. With the advance of data science, sensor skills are becoming more and more mature, and more and more varieties. In addition to the semiconductor materials and ceramic materials used in the early stage, the development of optical fiber and superconducting data provides the material foundation for the development of sensors. For example, according to the data matrix for many semiconductor silicon easy miniaturization, integrated, multi-functional and intelligent, and semiconductor thermal instrumentation has high sensitivity, high accuracy, non touch and other characteristics, to carry out all kinds of sensors in modern sensor sensitive materials, ceramic materials, organic materials to carry out quickly. Can choose different materials mixed formula, in fine chemical composition distribution on the basis of the high precision molding sintering, has the function to identify sensitive data of one or several kinds of gas, made for new gas sensor. In addition, the sensitive data of polymer organic compounds is a new sensitive data which has great potential in recent years. It can be used as sensors for thermal sensitive, photosensitive, gas sensitive, humidity sensitive, force sensitive, ion sensitive and biological sensitive. The continuous development of sensor technology also promotes the development of updated data, such as nano data. American NRC company has developed nano ZrO2 gas sensors, manipulation of motor vehicle exhaust emissions, environmental purification effect is very good, the use of relatively broad prospects. Because of the use of nanomaterials to create sensors, with a huge interface, can provide a lot of gas channels, and the resistance is very small, conducive to miniaturization of sensors, with the continuous progress of science and technology, there will be more new data was born.

  In the development of new humidity sensor, the choice of new technology can not be separated. The new technology has a wide range of meanings, and here it refers primarily to microfabrication skills that are particularly close to the development of new sensors. The skills and micro mechanical skills, in recent years with integrated circuit technology is developed, it is the ion beam and electron beam, molecular beam and laser beam and chemical etching in microelectronic processing skills, now have been increasingly used in the sensor field, such as sputtering deposition, plasma etching, chemical vapor deposition (CVD), extension, dispersion, corrosion, lithography, there are many sensors made of the selection process at home and abroad.



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