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他们都在搜索: 温湿度变送器 温湿度传感器
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时间:2017-11-15 09:51   作者:济南仁硕电子科技有限公司 点击:






  Points for attention of humidity sensor selection

  Select the measurement scale and measurement components, temperature, select the humidity sensor, first determine the measurement scale. In addition to climate, scientific research department, the temperature and humidity measurement and control generally do not require total wet range (0-100%RH) measurement.

  Selecting the measuring accuracy and measuring accuracy is the most important target of humidity sensor. Every increase of percentage point is the last step of the humidity sensor, even the last grade. Because of the different precision, the manufacturing cost is very different, and the price is also very different. Therefore, the operator must adjust measures to local conditions, should not blindly seek high, fine, sharp. If the humidity sensor is applied at different temperatures, the indication value should also consider the influence of temperature drift. As is known to all, relative humidity is a function of temperature, and temperature seriously affects the relative humidity in a given space. The temperature varies by 0.1 degrees centigrade. The humidity changes of 0.5%RH will occur (Cha Cuo). If it is difficult to use constant temperature, it is unsuitable to put forward too high humidity measuring accuracy. In most cases, if there is no accurate temperature control technique, or the measured space to the wrong seal, the accuracy of 5%RH is enough. For the accurate control of constant temperature and humidity of the space, may at any time change record demand shadowed humidity occasions, then use 3%RH above humidity sensor accuracy. And the accuracy is higher than the 2%RH requirements, I am afraid even calibration sensor standard humidity generator is difficult to do, not to mention the sensor itself. The accuracy of relative humidity measurement is still difficult to reach 2%RH even at 2025 degrees centigrade. The characteristics of the general product data are measured at room temperature (20 C, 10 C) and clean gas.

  Considering the influence of dust, oil pollution and harmful gas, the electronic humidity transmitter will be aged and the accuracy will be decreased. The annual drift of electronic humidity transducer is generally around 2%, even higher. In general, manufacturers will indicate that the useful time of the 1 calibration is 1 years or 2 years, and the expiration date needs to be calibrated from scratch.

  Fourth, other precautions, the humidity sensor for the error tightness, for the protection of measurement accuracy and stability, should try to prevent the use of acidic, alkaline and containing solvent atmosphere. Also prevent the use of dust in the larger environment. In order to correctly reflect the humidity of the space to be measured, the sensor should be prevented from being placed too close to the wall or the dead corner of the air. If the room is too large, multiple sensors should be placed. Some humidity sensors on the power supply requirements are relatively high, otherwise it will affect the measurement accuracy. Maybe the sensors interfere with each other and can't even work. The power supply should be supplied according to the technical requirements in accordance with the technical requirements. The signal attenuation problem should be paid attention to when the sensor needs to transmit the signals in long distance. When the transmission interval is more than 200m, the humidity sensor is recommended to select the frequency output signal.



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