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他们都在搜索: 温湿度变送器 温湿度传感器
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时间:2017-11-13 16:26   作者:济南仁硕电子科技有限公司 点击:












  The selection of humidity sensors is more than the need to select other types of sensors.

  First of all, it is necessary to select the structure of the sensor so that the prescribed measurement time of the sensitive element can reach the temperature of the measured fluid or the measured surface.

  In most cases, the selection of temperature sensors needs to consider the following aspects:

  (1) whether the temperature of the target to be recorded, alarm and automatic control, whether the need for remote measurement and transmission.

  (2) the size and accuracy requirements of temperature measurement scale.

  (3) whether the temperature measuring element is big or small.

  (4) when the temperature of the target is changed with time, can the temperature sensor's hysteresis be used to the temperature measurement requirement?.

  (5) whether the environmental condition of the target is harmful to the temperature measuring element.

  The selection of humidity sensor is mainly based on measurement scale. When the measurement scale is estimated within the total range, the platinum resistance sensor can be selected. Narrow ranges generally require sensors to have very high fundamental resistance so that large enough resistance changes can be achieved. The large enough resistance of the thermistor makes the sensors very suitable for narrow measurement scales. Thermocouples are more suitable if the measurements are quite large. It is better to include the freezing point in this scale, because the scale of the thermocouple is based on this temperature. The sensor linearity in the known scale can also be used as an additional condition for the selection of sensors.

  The response time is usually expressed by a constant of time, and it is another fundamental basis for selecting sensors. When the temperature in the tank is monitored, the time constant is not so important. But when it is necessary to measure the temperature in the oscillating tube, the time constant becomes the decisive factor in choosing the sensor.

  The dynamic temperature measurement is more complex, as long as after repeated tests, try to simulate the sensor application conditions often occur, can obtain the reasonable approximate dynamic characteristics of sensor.



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